7 June 2015

Update ☆

Zzzzzz finally! I really need to start taking care of my blog more ㅠㅠ
It's pretty much been a month since my last post, a bit pathetic if you ask me. I do have a good excuse though, believe me. University thought it would be good to bombard me with multiple assessments in the span of one month, basically. In between all of that, I was just really lazy and had no real motivation with so many things happening at once. Forgive me.

I had my last exam of the semester last Tuesday though, so I have technically reclaimed my freedom. It hasn't even been a week since holidays started, but I've already fallen into my usually holiday routine of sleeping at a ridiculous time in the morning and waking up at lunchtime. This can't be healthy. I also got offered a place at my host university in Japan not long ago. So uh, things just got official. I pretty much got the all-clear to start booking flights, organising insurance, and whatnot.

Since I leave for Japan in early September, I won't be returning for my second semester of university here. In other words, I pretty much have a whole 3 months to myself. Other than revising all the Japanese I've ever learnt in my life, I now officially have more time to blog! I think I may have some stuff I'd like to review soon, and I'm also waiting on some new Korean products to arrive since some friends and I bought in bulk (Shoutout to N8 u da bomb.com). I also have the BTS concert coming up this July, 35 days and counting omg.

That's pretty much it. I vow to take better care of this blog and post more often. I honestly live thee most boring life ever though, so this may be a challenge ^^;;;;;

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