7 May 2015

Dog Lovers Show

So last weekend I was able to volunteer at the Dog Lovers Show in Melbourne. For those who don't know, it's basically a huge exhibition for all things dog related. There were dogs of all sizes and different breeds literally everywhere, dog supplies for sale, special dog performances, dog related activities, and even a chance to pat each and every dog in the exhibition.
You could call it dog heaven, if you must.

My first shift was on the Saturday from 9.30am to 5pm, despite the actual exhibition starting at 10am. Since the most practical way of getting there was by tram, and the fact that I take a whole day to get ready, I woke up at 6am to make sure I had time to make myself look decent and catch the tram to the place. The first day was hella exhausting and I was allowed to go home early since all I was doing was handing out show guides at the entrance, and people had stopped coming in. Sunday was probably the most enjoyable, despite it being the busiest day. I was only rostered for 9.30am to 1pm that day, so I had a chance to take photos and enjoy the actual exhibition after my shift.

Outside the exhibition building

They recommended wearing "comfortable" shoes, but my feet still ached after a day of standing and walking around. My legs look so chubby from this angle, I don't even know why I took a photo of my feet. Moving on...

Bonus artistic angle shot of outside the exhibition building in the morning, since I arrived too early and I didn't want to be the first volunteer to show up. The struggle was real.

I got some sneaky shots of the main stage on my phone, while I was on duty making sure no one was leaning on the railing and whatnot. I didn't tell anyone off that day, I thought it was awkward enough walking around trying to look like I was relevant. It was pretty crowded throughout the whole building though, to say the least.

Cue the cute dog photos!

Yes, that is a dog wearing a tutu.

I couldn't get enough of this rainbow poodle!

I didn't notice this cute little puppy at first since it was all the way in the corner. At this point I just felt like dying, it was so cute I just couldn't handle. I literally dragged myself out of the exhibition after this, I wanted every puppy in the building. Overall, it was a pretty good first experience of volunteering though and I'd probably do it again. 

Shoutout to my bby Tu for telling me about this opportunity, you da bomb Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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