27 June 2015

HAUL: Roseroseshop ☆

So much for posting more often, let's just admit that I suck at this. In reality though, I just haven't had all that much to blog about. Apologies. I'll try harder, I promise.

In my last post I mentioned that I bought in bulk with my friends. Well, it arrived. Since I wasn't the one who placed the order, my friends and I caught up the other day to distribute our goodies. It totally looked like we were dealing drugs out it in the open, even I'd be suspicious. We ordered from roseroseshop, if that wasn't already obvious from the title. I've only ever bought from their eBay store, though I had only heard good things from the people that have ordered from their site.

I wasn't too fussed with the samples, so I let my friend keep them all.

While I'd love to say that I bought everything you see in the photo above, I didn't want my bank account to start weeping (let's be honest, it's probably already bathing in its own tears). So, in an effort to rule it down to a couple of items, I ending up buying 5 products in total. Despite wanting to buy the whole store, I did manage to control myself. Applause!

I don't think I was looking for anything in particular, so I just went it looking for anything that appealed to me. I bought:

★ Nature Republic Aloe Vera Mist 92% Soothing Gel Mist
★ 3W Clinic Intensive UV Sunblock Cream
★ Innisfree Mineral Shading (#07 Sweet Vanilla)
★ Etude House Dr. Mascara Fixer (Perfect Lash)
★ Secret Key Snow White Skin Booster (for my mum)

Other than the skin booster, I'll probably make a review for each if I can remember. I've also got some other products getting shipped my way, so I'm looking forward to trying those out too. 

(Shoutout to my swag buddy Natt and her boyfriend for ordering everything, and even taking photos for me)

7 June 2015

Update ☆

Zzzzzz finally! I really need to start taking care of my blog more ㅠㅠ
It's pretty much been a month since my last post, a bit pathetic if you ask me. I do have a good excuse though, believe me. University thought it would be good to bombard me with multiple assessments in the span of one month, basically. In between all of that, I was just really lazy and had no real motivation with so many things happening at once. Forgive me.

I had my last exam of the semester last Tuesday though, so I have technically reclaimed my freedom. It hasn't even been a week since holidays started, but I've already fallen into my usually holiday routine of sleeping at a ridiculous time in the morning and waking up at lunchtime. This can't be healthy. I also got offered a place at my host university in Japan not long ago. So uh, things just got official. I pretty much got the all-clear to start booking flights, organising insurance, and whatnot.

Since I leave for Japan in early September, I won't be returning for my second semester of university here. In other words, I pretty much have a whole 3 months to myself. Other than revising all the Japanese I've ever learnt in my life, I now officially have more time to blog! I think I may have some stuff I'd like to review soon, and I'm also waiting on some new Korean products to arrive since some friends and I bought in bulk (Shoutout to N8 u da bomb.com). I also have the BTS concert coming up this July, 35 days and counting omg.

That's pretty much it. I vow to take better care of this blog and post more often. I honestly live thee most boring life ever though, so this may be a challenge ^^;;;;;