15 January 2015


FORGIVE THE CAPS LOCK BUT I'M LITERALLY SO HAPPY I DSFKJFCSGADS. I just got an email from my university, stating that I've been accepted into their exchange program. Omg. Like, I was shaking for the longest period of time out of happiness and disbelief. I also got into my first preference university in Japan AND I'll be receiving $5000 funding for my exchange. I almost feel like I can die happy now. The feels ;3;

My mum literally had tears in her eyes when I told her about it. She's a firm believer of hope, faith and praying for what you want. I won't lie, it was the greatest feeling knowing that my mum was proud of me despite me feeling like a constant failure. Being Filipino and knowing her, she'll have already told half of her friends about it. She even made a Facebook status in all capitals...

So as long as everything goes smoothly from here and I get all required documents completed, it looks like I'll be spend a year in Japan starting at the end of this year. I think I'll need time for that to sink in. I'll be in my bedroom crying happy tears if anyone needs me.

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