24 January 2015

My First Soccer Game

So since the Asian Cup is being held in Australia this year, me and some friends thought it'd cool to go watch a soccer game in the city. I kind of regret not going to more games since the tickets were so cheap (literally $4.50), but there weren't many "good" games being played in Melbourne, in my opinion anyway. So, we settled for a Japan vs Jordan game. We came to support Japan, of course.

I've always liked watching soccer on TV, my dad and I would even wake up ridiculously early (4-5am) to watch the premier league games live. I would then go to school the same day looking like a complete zombie #yolo. Despite that, I had never actually been to a real soccer game, so this was my first time going. It was pretty surreal. I never thought I'd actually be at a live sport event, being the not-so-sporty/uncoordinated person I am. Soccer and volleyball are probably the only exceptions.

Our seats were pretty darn decent for the price, though we ended up sitting near a lot of the Jordan supporters. Probably because a lot of the Japanese supporters had already taken up most of the seats allocated to them specifically. Nonetheless, it was pretty obvious which side had a bigger fan-base.

Most of the Japanese supports on the right

Jordan supporters on the left

It was a really decent game and Japan ended up winning 2-0 in the end. I feel like I zoned out at each goal since I only realised they had kicked a goal when the crowd suddenly stood up and starting cheering. I promise to pay more attention next time. I walked away happy anyway! I definitely want to go to another soccer game if I get the chance though, regardless of if it's in Australia or not.

A photo posted by ∆LYSS∆ (@alyssalmighty) on

Bonus selfie, pls don't hate me Natt <333

15 January 2015


FORGIVE THE CAPS LOCK BUT I'M LITERALLY SO HAPPY I DSFKJFCSGADS. I just got an email from my university, stating that I've been accepted into their exchange program. Omg. Like, I was shaking for the longest period of time out of happiness and disbelief. I also got into my first preference university in Japan AND I'll be receiving $5000 funding for my exchange. I almost feel like I can die happy now. The feels ;3;

My mum literally had tears in her eyes when I told her about it. She's a firm believer of hope, faith and praying for what you want. I won't lie, it was the greatest feeling knowing that my mum was proud of me despite me feeling like a constant failure. Being Filipino and knowing her, she'll have already told half of her friends about it. She even made a Facebook status in all capitals...

So as long as everything goes smoothly from here and I get all required documents completed, it looks like I'll be spend a year in Japan starting at the end of this year. I think I'll need time for that to sink in. I'll be in my bedroom crying happy tears if anyone needs me.

3 January 2015

REVIEW: Clio Waterproof Kill Black Brush Liner

I'm reviewing Clio's Waterproof Kill Black Brush Liner this time. I first got it around 2 months ago, but only now am I getting around to reviewing it #slack. I've been using it a lot since then so I can safely say that I really like this product. I was originally on the hunt for a new liquid eyeliner, since I wanted an alternative to the Missha Super-Extreme Waterproof Eyeliner I had been using. After reading many good reviews on it, I thought I'd give it a go.
According to the packaging,
"Brush liner helps you to draw clear eye lines with deep black (Included in Carbon Black) color. It is waterproof and no smudge formula so you can enjoy clear lines for a long time. Flexible brush is easy to draw fine and delicate eye lines without stimulation around eyes."

I actually wasn't aware that the eyeliner came with a makeup cleansing oil when I ordered it online, so I was surprised when I got the package. I haven't tried the cleansing oil yet since I keep forgetting I have it, so I can't say if it's any good. You do get 20ml of cleansing oil and 6ml of eyeliner though, which is isn't bad. I may or may not make a separate review on the cleansing oil, if and when I get a chance to use it.

The eyeliner pen itself is really light and slim, making it really easy to use and manoeuvre. You can also make sure the cap is put on properly, since you need to push it on hard enough to hear a snap. This is something to appreciate since eyeliners in pen or brush form usually tend to dry out much faster if the cap isn't put on properly. Probably one reason why I usually stray away from these sort of products.

Ignore the fact that my hand looks hella scaly ㅠㅠ Moving on, the actual brush tip is super duper pointy, as you can see, which makes it super easy to create crisp winged eyeliner. It's especially ideal for those who like rocking the thinner, more natural liner, though it's just as easy to create thicker lines. I also like that the brush is somewhat flexible, as opposed to some liners that come with a really stiff applicator.

The eyeliner formula itself isn't bad either. Though I've never worn it in the water, I've heard that it's very water resistant and I usually have a hard time rubbing it off the back of my hand, despite running it under water. I haven't had many problems with smudging throughout the day either, so I can safely say that it stays put for a majority of the day, though it may just be my eye primer working its magic.

The finish isn't entirely matte, but not super glossy. The colour is really pigmented too, because who doesn't love a deep black liner?!

I may have just found the (almost) perfect liquid eyeliner. I love it. I did have a problem with not enough product coming out at first, but the trick is to have it standing upside down, with the brush facing down so it can absorb the liquid liner. Being so light and slim, you can practically take it anywhere with you and the formula is great. After my first horrible experience with pen/brush liners, I was really hesitant about this product but I'm really glad I gave it a try. It's definitely worth all the hype.

- Waterproof and smudge proof
- Pigmented
- Sleek packaging
- Easy to use

There aren't many, as long as you wipe the brush clean every now and then like advised and make sure the cap is on properly to avoid the brush drying out.

Would you repurchase?
Yes, definitely! I'm probably going to buy it again once I feel like my current liner is running out. I'd really like to try the brown version too, since I've never tried brown liquid eyeliner.

2 January 2015


I hope everyone had a fantastic new years! I spent it in my room on my laptop, streaming the MBC music festival live from Korea. It's become a yearly thing, not sure if #sad or #pathetic. Nonetheless, I actually don't mind it.

I really suck with new year resolutions as many do, since I end up forgetting all about it a week later. Regardless, I think I'd just like to work on becoming a better person overall this year. I want to try living a healthier lifestyle, and making new friends while maintaining the friendships I already have. As always, let's just hope that this year is better than the rest.
That's about it. I hope you all have a sweet 2015 ^^