16 December 2014

I'm Still Alive

Cue Big Bang's "Still Alive" (VIP, anyone?)

I feel like I've almost abandoned this blog. I don't really have an excuse for not updating to be honest, other than my utter laziness. I did have a landslide of assignments to worry about and end of year exams to study for ㅠㅠ It's all over now though, thankfully. I've officially completed my first year of university, amen! It's surreal just how fast this whole year went by, and I say that every year.

It's weird, I feel more compelled to do things during the school year. Some part of me finds it perfectly logical to catch up on my dramas during exam period. The logic is there somewhere, um. Now that I'm free though, I hope I can at least get some things done since I've had no luck in getting a job. I was honestly hesitant on continuing this blog, but I thought I'd just see how it goes.

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