24 January 2015

My First Soccer Game

So since the Asian Cup is being held in Australia this year, me and some friends thought it'd cool to go watch a soccer game in the city. I kind of regret not going to more games since the tickets were so cheap (literally $4.50), but there weren't many "good" games being played in Melbourne, in my opinion anyway. So, we settled for a Japan vs Jordan game. We came to support Japan, of course.

I've always liked watching soccer on TV, my dad and I would even wake up ridiculously early (4-5am) to watch the premier league games live. I would then go to school the same day looking like a complete zombie #yolo. Despite that, I had never actually been to a real soccer game, so this was my first time going. It was pretty surreal. I never thought I'd actually be at a live sport event, being the not-so-sporty/uncoordinated person I am. Soccer and volleyball are probably the only exceptions.

Our seats were pretty darn decent for the price, though we ended up sitting near a lot of the Jordan supporters. Probably because a lot of the Japanese supporters had already taken up most of the seats allocated to them specifically. Nonetheless, it was pretty obvious which side had a bigger fan-base.

Most of the Japanese supports on the right

Jordan supporters on the left

It was a really decent game and Japan ended up winning 2-0 in the end. I feel like I zoned out at each goal since I only realised they had kicked a goal when the crowd suddenly stood up and starting cheering. I promise to pay more attention next time. I walked away happy anyway! I definitely want to go to another soccer game if I get the chance though, regardless of if it's in Australia or not.

A photo posted by ∆LYSS∆ (@alyssalmighty) on

Bonus selfie, pls don't hate me Natt <333

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