4 October 2015

WEEK 2/3: First Week Of Class + Osaka

I'm finally getting a chance to sit down and write this! I've either been too busy or close to passing out from exhaustion every day so far, so it's been a bit difficult to find some time for myself. I thought I may as well use this time now, while I have it.

Since the first week was just purely orientation and settling in, classes didn't begin until the week after. We went through the process of choosing subjects and organising our timetables, so last week we all got a chance to sit in and get a feel of each subject before everything gets finalised. Fortunately for me, and my housemate, we both have Mondays off. I was close to having just one class on Monday, but I figured it wasn't worth the strenuous travel to and from school. This is considered strenuous, coming from a person who originally lived 5 to 10 minutes away from school. It's just the fact that either way I go, I'm made to walk uphill. In fact, I suddenly miss the flat roads back in Melbourne. Too bad I took them for granted. So far though, it looks like I have 5 subjects in total this semester, and 4 days of class Tuesday to Friday. Which essentially means 3 day weekend yeye!

Despite only being here for 3 weeks, I've only had 3 days of pure rest so far. My host family took me to Sannomiya in Kobe on the very first day, then I went again not too long ago with friends. I then went to Dotonbori and Namba in Osaka just in the first week of being in Japan. I wanted to make seperate posts for each visit, but I've been so busy and it might just be easier to summarise some of it in this post and chuck some photos in since I took so many.

I went to Osaka (大阪) on my first weekend in Japan. My housemate is a mega pokemon fan so she really wanted to visit the Pokemon Centre (ポケモンセンター). I didn't complain, of course.

Two giant pikachus came out of nowhere all of a sudden and started dancing with the crowd, in the middle of the store. I just happened to be standing pretty close at the time, so I was able to get a good view. There was staff encouraging the crowd to join in and dance along, but we were all pretty much preoccupied with getting good shots of the pikachus. As you do.

We met up with some other friends later that day and took a train to Namba (難波), then walked to Dotonbori (道頓堀). As expected, it was really crowded. Dotonbori is like the ultimate tourist spot in Osaka, as far as I know.

We stopped over at a little restaurant for dinner once it got later in the day. We ordered more, but we started eating immediately after taking our foodporn shots. There was another table for our other friends, not in the picture.

We ended up spending pretty much the whole day in Osaka just walking around, taking photos, and sight-seeing. I also met some pretty cool people that day and made new friends. We also ended up spending some time in a really big game centre with lots of levels full of different games, and checking out some anime/manga stores. It was a fab day overall. Seeing as how it's so easy to get to these places from where I live now, this definitely won't be the last time I pay a visit. 

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